Monday, January 16, 2012

A STOMACHE HEALER...which leads to SKIN healing

- before I start.. did you know that wheat makes many look older,faster...
Jesus told me.... the sprays that they put on the food, especially a certain pesticide... cause people these days to wrinkle by 30-40, when years ago, they didnt look as aged.. no joke.. then I was directed to google.. ( google is your friend..)LOL.... well thats a tid-bit.. but, really.. a lifesaver, for us..who have dealt with celiac.. we just avoid wheat anyways...- Think about it.. Wheats on almost everything.. you know.. so.. uh..yeah..interesting.. High five for Jesus.. HEs knowin.. yeah...;)
Ok, Ok...
Im neglecting my blog.. but, believe me - I have much on mind,as to what to share.. and My journey to healing Celiac.. I know.. they say it cant be done.. God told it will be for me.. and I want to tell you some things HE told me, specifically, on HOW to HEAL myself, as far as the damage done, from eating wheat...

 if you have a body that does not want to deal with gluten.. you may have skin issues.. and suddenly..out of no where..all of a sudden.. you had perfect,, youre grown- but, you almost dont want to go out side.

- you may be able to use lots of make up, to hopefully cover it up....( by the way, Lancome Liquid cover up - good cover up...and never iritated me..when i was breaking out, from the wheat & stomach damage, & i didnt even know i was all dieing on the inside from the wheat.. dang that..LOL)

it was a terrible time..
now..this started my hunt for help, cures, doctor visists.. I had a 2nd infection on my face, besides breaking out.. remember..I NEVER broke out.. so i was like, JOB, in the BIBLE.. i was like.."who am i???!!!!" I was lookin in th mirror.. sad sad sad.. i hated it.. I knew I was on track, in life.. i wasnt bein wild..
 I wondered why God would not answer me..

though, I'd never get mad at Him..

THEN, He started talking.. He basically directed me to eat carrots.. I was always given an inspiration to study online (google is your friend).. LOL
then also take my vitamins...and make sure within the same hour,basically of having RAW ALSO add in  these things:

YOU MUST EAT a chopped RAW garlic, a few spoon fulls of PLAIN yogurt....

then DING, DING, DING!!!! idea came..
I always loved that GREEK sauce ( tzatziki recipe)  find your own recipe,if ya like, HERE below..,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=4c3fe1a9859f48e4   )

But..this recipe is great to EAT YOU RAW carrot with.. do this on empty stomach!..dont eat anything else. you need to heal..that why your stomach is actin crazy, hurts so bad, makesu feel like your in labor.. heck no.. stop that, thru this process... I could of had a baby for evey pain there.. i would had a million,by now.. that celiac stomach pain is NO JOKE..

ok, so eat this & you can take chamomile tea ( u can see if its gluten free,b4 u buy..- i have never had an issue with "Celestial Seasonings" brand at your reg large grocery store-albertsons etc)

..this is a life has stopped my pain... its a GOD-Send....IM telling dont have to suffer.. its really dibilitating... you dont have to not go out..cause your curled up in a ball, in bed..

Do this every day.. THIS IS YOUR breakfast.. & can heal your stomach.. after this.. & your tea.. then you can eat something else.. this was a key to my healing this far...

ALOS ILLIMINATE COFFEE.... it just strips your stomach..& with celiac.. you dont have many good bacterias in tummy..cause your all damaged..messed up..blah blah.. ( yuck - i know)

But, this is why you break out.. so.. stop being so ACIDIC, & alkalize thyself..LOL... with some RAW veggies.. and i drenched my veggies with that yogurt greek sauce.. cause the yogurt heals you!!!!
 so.. i never cared for the fat.. I didnt get wild over how many fat grams..etc.. i was just like "HEAL ME"...
thats it.. and

The LORD told me this..."WALK in the COOL AIR"..... He knows, I dont like to be tanned, sunburnt, I dont need one more freckle.. I dont want to age faster.. I cant be hot.. Im like nahhh.....LOL

He said walk inthe evening...

There has been a study, HE showed me ( on google- googles your friend)...
some doctor found that when you walk in the cool of the evening ( sounds like adam, back in genesis- in the bible) helps you to be able to take in fresh air/oxygen....and this is what gets in to your system, helping to heal your intetines/stomache!

SO, walk at night,with your family.. or in the evening.. be safe.. & heal your stomach.. its a stop the pain, the skin issues,, walk it out..

I really hop this helps you.. please try it.. tell me your results after 3 days.. you should see a change in your skin, your pain, etc.. please.. dont suffer when GOD has the answers.. & HE is able to HEAL or lead to NATURAL CURES or HIM..jesus.. not religion.. this is real, for your life.. & a blessing.

anna clark
-sorry didnt in a rush...:)